
"I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them." Thomas Jefferson

Saturday 12 March 2011

The Eurostar Experience

Eurostar%20at%20EbbsfleetMonday, 7 March, we boarded the Eurostar for the 2 hrs 25 min trip to Paris. Speeds vary, depending on the track and proximity to people, but advertised top speed is 186 mph.  The Eurostar is in the Chunnel (English Channel Tunnel)for only 20 minutes.

I wasn’t even sure we were in the Chunnel because since we had left London’s St. Pancras Station, we had traveled in other tunnels. When I noticed that the cars were driving on the right side of the road – we were in France.



THE CHUNNEL is 31 miles long, from the English entry point of Folkestone near Dover, to the French exit near Calais.

The Chunnel’s Lowest point is 250 feet below sea level.

IMMIGRATION is easy, because French officers check your passport in London, and for the return, UK officers take care of matters in Paris.

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