
"I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them." Thomas Jefferson

Sunday, 23 January 2011

Sweet Assurance

Friday, 14 January, the Electric company sent us a bill. They do that every six months. I expected it to be a little high, perhaps $300 – it’s been a cold winter, but $2,250 is a little bit high. I soon discovered what had happened: The beginning service meter reading had been JamesDPrice-smlincorrectly recorded by the power company, but all the talking in the world wouldn’t change the mind of Sam in customer service.

Friday night, as I lay in bed, troubled by the matter, I fell to my knees to ask for comfort and guidance. I was impressed that I should write an email  to Sam, and appeal to his common sense. I also felt that I should email Don and Claudia Inskeep, the missionary couple who preceded us in this flat. I plead for their help. Did they have any records?

I returned to bed and felt a hand on my shoulder – a sweet feeling of assurance that things would be fine. I had placed the matter in the Lord’s hands, and I just needed to trust Him. With that, I went to sleep. Saturday afternoon, Don Inskeep responded with his final bill and meter reading. I also found the inventory with the correct meter reading (recorded by an independent agent). I sent another email to Sam and attached the documents.
Monday afternoon, Sam called. “Mr. Price, let’s fix that meter reading, and get that ridiculously high reading off your bill.”
When things look bleak and insurmountable, pray, and then act upon your impressions. After you have done all that you have been inspired to do – all you can possibly do - put the matter in the Lord’s hands and exercise FAITH. What’s the use of praying if you aren’t gong to trust the Lord?

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