Every year, the world of Family History holds the biggest show in the world at London’s Olympia Exhibition Centre. It’s called “Who Do You Think You Are? Live”, or simply WDYTYA? FamilySearch, the Church’s family history department and their website, www.FamilySearch.org, is a major exhibitor. We did a lot of work preparing for the event, and for a few hours Friday, Gerry and I were able to participate.
Each year, thousands of wild and crazy family history enthusiasts descend on Olympia seeking help with their problems. Two couples asked me to help with their “mind bogglers” that they had been struggling with for years. I was able to help both. I was 2 for 2. Last year I was 3 for 20, or something ridiculous like that. Am I getting smarter or are the questions getting easier?
A Welsh couple from Cardiff gave Gerry a yellow daffodil to pin on her sweater to help her celebrate St. David’s Day. St. David is the patron saint of Wales and his day - March 1st – is celebrated all over Wales.
We saw lots of FamilySearch friends from last year – sixteen of ‘em flew in from Utah to help support WDYTYA. Great fun, but I’ll admit that the real reason I like to help at Olympia is to be near Oddono’s Italian Gelato stand - situated next to the FamilySearch exhibit! It was either that, or dine with the “Proper Sausages” folks who were selling Pork, Wild Boar, Venison, and Buffalo sausages. Hmmm. Gamey sausages?! Naw - I’ll take the Gelato!
Saturday, Gerry and I worked in the Centre, while the other missionaries worked at Olympia. That was our last WDYTYA? and our last Saturday working in the Centre.
Sunday, WDYTYA continues, but we’ll be attending our beloved London North Ward.