
"I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them." Thomas Jefferson

Saturday 12 February 2011

Computer Dilemma

Here we are, just about to leave London, and our laptop has been experiencing serious problems.The CPU (Central Processing Unit) has been running at 95-100%, and that ain’t right. When we have tried to talk on Skype, the connection has been anything but smooth. I was beginning to believe that our laptop was in the final throws of death and about to become a door stop – bueno por nada! I certainly don’t want to buy a computer in England, because their plugs are goofy – useless in the US. With the VAT (Value Added Tax), I’d pay more than I would for the same computer in the States.

I felt impressed to call my friend Paulo, the Family Search IT guy for the UK.  He told me that it sounded like heat. Heat makes a laptop slow way down and run inefficiently. He asked me to look at the air intake and the exhaust ports. The exhaust was clean, so I looked on the bottom of the laptop, and there I saw a very plugged up grill over the exhaust fan. Now that’s clean, and we have what seems to be a new laptop. Skype calls are better than ever, and with a cool computer, it runs much faster.

I love those wonderful impressions and kind blessings.

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