
"I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them." Thomas Jefferson

Friday 18 February 2011

As it were unto us a dream

light speedWhere has our mission gone? Time has flown by, and it seems to be picking up speed. one more weekend, and March will be here. We feel like we’re in a runaway bullet train driven by a lunatic who feels “the need for speed”. Hold on Chewbacca, the next few weeks will seem like a jump to light speed.

This week seemed to pass like a meteor. We thought that we would begin the cabinet drawer rearrangement project, but after two cabinets, I realized that with six boxes (180 films) already on the floor, by the time we had finished four rows of cabinets, it would take us over 30 hours, and we would have more than 60 boxes (1,800 films) strewn upon the garage floor. We returned the films to their former drawers, to wait for the arrival of more empty boxes. That will probably occur after we have departed.
Elders and Sisters Crandall, Fugal and Robertson have taken our former responsibilities. Missionary and staff Scheduling, Film ordering, Visiting Group management, building scheduling, web site updating – even Gerry’s toilet paper supply duties -  those jobs have been placed upon the willing shoulders of others. We are consultants.
The Book of Mormon’s Jacob said it so poetically -   “. . . the time passed away with us, and also our lives passed away like as it were unto us a dream.” (Jacob 7:26).

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